Saturday, 29 February 2020

Rejection and lack of collabs

I have been part of the influencing game for nearly 8 months now and I have learned so much from it. The challenges that are faced as a fashion influencer are full of rejection. As with every interview you go to you may not get it as you may not be the right fit. Same with being a fashion influencer. You apply to companies but most of the time they reject you without even answering you back its like they are laughing at you saying who is this one asking for free stuff when she has no followers. You confidence can be knocked but its all about dusting yourself off and keep going. Once the first company says yes to you and you get your first gig its smooth sailing from there.

The same can even to said for the followers on your instagram. Because of todays society I have learned that people are quite fickle and only follow so you follow back if you dont they unfollow within days. Bots and follow for follow groups can make your followers really unorganic and allow you to have an unengaged audience. This also stops companies from wanting to do collaborations with you as they all have systems to test this allowing companies to weed out the good influencers from the not so good ones. I for one did this when I was starting off and it has taken me many months to get rid of these unorganic followers who never engage with my photos. Sometimes it is better to have a smaller following with more people interacting than loads of ghost followers who never engage. By blocking or deleting these ghost followers will it allow for your instagram page to have a better and more organic following.

The job of an influencer is to sell clothes to their followers and without a following it proves very difficult. Bots or ghost followers stop this from happening and this is so difficult to come back from. My advise to everyone is to not engage with this. It does so much more harm then good especially when you lose bags of followers at once. This can have you questioning your self worth which is not worth it in the long run. Keep putting up great photos and keep engaging with others and the followers will come in time.

Confidence is the key and believing in yourself no matter what comes your way will the key to all success in the future no matter if it is influencing or any other career you put your mind it. Its all about self confidence and believing in your own self worth.

Friday, 28 February 2020

Be Kind

As influencers we are increasingly likely to get hate from people. As a micro influencer that has under 2,000 followers my hate is usually oh you're an 'influencer' thats not really a job this is nothing in comparison to celebrities who have up to 2 or 3 million followers. The best example of this is Caroline Flack. Everyone in some way has been touched by her death. This girl was put through the ringer in the last year of her life. No one in their right mind should endure this let alone someone that is famous. The girl had huge mental health issues and instead of helping her every single person destroyed her by their nasty trolling and the best way for her to get out was to end her life. She was perceived to be guilty before she even went on trial. No one should feel that the best to end all of this is to end your own life. The trolling and keyboard warriors were to blame but also the many tabloid newspapers that stuck the knife in on her and made memes of her through valentines day cards. I always say if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing. I'm sure all these people that say nasty things only say it because celebes are "strangers". I know for a fact no one would say those things to their friends or family or even if it was said about their friends or family they would stand up for them and damage other people that nasty things are being said. The other way does not matter in their eyes. What they are doing is good to them. No matter what is going on in other peoples lives if they are upset it gives no right to belittle another human being.

I know what mental health is all about as I have suffered from depression and I currently suffer from anxiety. No matter how small it has a knock on effect on your life. From a stressful day or week at work it feels like you are in a tunnel that you can never get out of. I would never say bad about someone else. Everyone should follow this mantra. Be kind to each other say nice things and the world will be a better place.

With the death of Caroline Flack I am so conscious of my remarks on love island stars and celebrities in general. I feel it is not right to say horrible things about them. People I believe are jealous and hide behind the computer and talk about for example Eve and Jess from love island as people from white chicks it is not on and very hurtful. People have feelings and I am sure it would not be said about a friend or family so why wannabe influencers.

I really feel its is so important to get more funding for mental health. There is still a huge stigma around mental health and more should be done by governments to fund mental health. The work of Pieta House and the Samarthians has been amazing and with more support they could do more work around developing a more positive spin on things for mental health suffers. If it could be talked about more the stigma would go away and people like Caroline may still be alive.

I donated my birthday money to Pieta House and the Samarthians and I am ralling for support through this blog. I want more to be done for mental health. I want people to live whatever life they so wish and if people choose to be famous they should not be trolled for it. As Amber Gill said they did not sign up to be trolled it should not be part of the job description. As a feminist I believe everyone should do what is right for them and what they are good at, no one should be punished for having a talent of wanting to be famous in fashion or tv. This is their gift: and why they were put on the planet to do.

Please if everyone believes in being kind and nice to everyone please share this and put pressure on governments to make it law to ban trolling and develop stronger mental health services for people to access