Monday, 16 March 2020

Coronavirus: Stay safe and well at home

Since the Coronavirus virus started about 2 months ago, the world has slowly come to terms with finding way to control this infectious disease. Schools, pubs and most businesses have been closed and most people are in quarantine working from home. We are talking about staying safe now from the disease but I want to talk about the safety of peoples mental health through this crisis.

Most people are like me and are working from home or their business has been closed down by the virus. Being at home for a considerable period of time and not leaving could have a detrimental effect on our mental health. I just hope that it does not push up the suicide rate as well.

People should try different measures to keep positive during the crisis. I have tried meditation on you tube each day. This has provided me with positive energy each day. I do it either before work or after work depending on my shift. It really does relax me and releases all the stress from a days work where you no longer have your home as your chill out environment. It makes me attack the next day with positivity and has allowed me to not go insane in the new process of working from home.

Another tip if people do not want to do mediation is yoga or some exercise. As all gyms are closed, exercise is still so important to keep your body active and positive. I have downloaded a few apps on my phone. One app I used before even this disease broke out was Sweat by Tayla Damir. She gives great work out tips that you can do with just a exercise mat. She teaches you to do sit ups, pull ups and burpies.  This is great for people who still want to keep fit but can not go to the gym.

The tip I still swear by for everyone is leave your house on your own and go for a short walk. Put in your earphones and just listen to music. This is always the best tool to loosen up after a hard days work. Obviously the only catch is you can not go with anyone else or hope you do not meet anyone you know on your walk. Clear your mind and still stay healthy.

These are my tips to stay sane during the Coronavirus. If you are feeling low there are still people around to talk to like the Samarthians or Pieta house. Always if you are feeling low talk to someone. Do not suffer in silence. There is always a friendly face around to put a smile back on your face. Mind yourself and people around you. Lets all get through this with positive vibes

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

30 Things to do Before I'm 30

So February 2021 I turn 30 and I wanted to do a bucket list per se for my final year of my 20s. For this post I am going to share with everyone the 30 things I want to do before the 19th of February next year.

As a new fashion influencer, I would love to get a fashion collab with a big brand like boohoo or rebellious fashion. These are the brands I use the most with missfiga and littlewoods Ireland. I would love for one to come on board this year. It would be an amazing achievement and one I would relish for the rest of my life. These are so hard to get if I could get this in my last year of my 30s it would be a dream come true.

Following on from the fashion collab, I would love to end up on tv. I would love to do something as small as an ad or something as big as a tv show. I have loved doing stories on my instagram and it has given me the hunger and drive to do it on a bigger scale. My confidence has grown so much that I can whip out my camera anywhere and the looks do not bother me anymore. I just feel the more people  stare at me, the more it does not phase me. This would be very difficult to come true but one can dream big. If you dont dream big you wont get too far really.

As a feminist I would love to do a big campaign again. Since I finished my politics degree in 2016, I havent really gotten involved much in politics only really the appeal of the 8th amendment which gave women the right to have abortions up to 12 weeks. I feel I would love to get involved in a new strong campaign like climate change or housing which would benefit people in this country greatly.

I would love to do a few trips. I am going to Paris in May on my own on my first solo trip. I am really looking forward to sampling Paris on my own and heading to the tennis to see my favourite tennis players for the first time. I am excited and scared of travelling on my own for the first time but it has to be done. I would love to go to other places on my own if this trip to Paris goes really well.

I would love to go to festival this year. I went to body and soul last year which was fantastic so I would to experience that again this year along with maybe electric picnic or some other festival. I feel I would love to be more outdoorsy and experience more outside. This takes me well outside my comfort zone and take on some new challenges.

I would love to do some more charity work. I would love to do more work for suicide and make it less of a taboo. More should be done for it to be spoken about me. I would love to do some charity work and raise awareness of this great charity. I would also love to share my experiences of suicide and how it made me a stronger person to never want to do it again. If my story could help anyone not do it, this would be great

Find a way to control my anxiety and emotions. I was diagnosed with bonderline personality disorder last August, I would love to not let my emotions effect my everyday life. When something in my life goes against the norm, it really freaks me out and I get really anxious and worried. I let it effect me too much and my emotions effect me and my interactions with other. If I could get this under control better I feel my life would be so much better.

Following on from stopping my anxiety, I would love to stop holding grudges. I hold onto things for too long and never forgive people for doing wrong. I cut people out of my life too easily after they hurt me. I would love to amend old relationships and turn them into new ones.

I am so scared of heights so I would love to do a bungee jump or sky dive to get over my fear. I think it would be scary but fun at the same time.

I would love to move abroad. I have dreamed of living away from Ireland for a while now. I did a summer abroad in Spain in 2012 but I have never lived a full year away from Ireland. I would love to move to the UK this year as its close to home but still a big change from Ireland as well

Small goals like pass my driving test, get a car, take in a sunrise, have a pamper weekend, visit every county in Ireland and take a photo in each, make my family tree, see a broadway show, go to new york, start saving for a mortgage, get rid of bad habits, read more books, binge watch old tv shows, keep a journal, take social media breaks, be at peace with myself, do meditation and yoga, more self reflection, get better at photography, develop a morning routine, say affirmations

So these are my 30 things to do before I'm 30. If you have a big birthday coming up or know someone that has, do it for them. It is great to have goals before a big milestone to look forward to and achieve. I'm looking forward to getting through them all before the 19th February 2021. I'll keep everyone posted on how I'm doing on them.

Thanks for reading my goals