Thursday 19 December 2019

The Influencer Game

This is my first blog post for a while. For this one, I want to speak about my new trials and tribulations of blogging and fashion influencing. There are many highs and lows to this industry that I like to call a game. You have good days and you have bad days. I believe over all since I started in July this year it has been a huge help to me. It has built confidence for me that I have looked for through this whole decade and given me a purpose to try and help other people who have gone through similar problems.

I have always been interested in fashion but if you told me even a year ago, I would be sharing it with the world I would have laughed at you. I have shared my love of Boohoo, Missfiga and Rebellious fashion through my posts. My fashion has changed with time and I choose to go with affordable fashion because I believed you can make great clothes for an affordable cost. The love I have for clothes and love shown to me by my followers has shown there is a market for me in the instagram world. The help shown by other women in this industry has been second to none. I feel it is never about competition but about women sticking together to help and build each others confidence. You have never met anyone but you feel like you know them for years.

I did at the beginning lose confidence in my ability to do this by using bots and follow for follow magnets to get my followers up. I realised very quickly there are no short cuts to success. It is all built on long term strategies and a really strong work ethic. I have taken the good days with the bad and have learned from every photo and blog post that I have ever put up. I am not one to give up ever and I am not about to let that set in now over a few set backs online. I believe in my ability and strengths that I have been given here and believe that this will all come good in 2020. I would love to get some band ambassadors to work with me next year but sticking to what I know and working hard will be the order of the day.

I want to thank every person that has followed and supported me through this journey so far. It hasnt been easy but the support I have been given has really shown I can do this. I have worn my heart on my sleeve on every picture and blog post I have created and for me no matter what I love everything about this industry no matter what will be thrown at me in the future 

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